There has been a whole lot of play going on here lately. It must be the addition of the Christmas toys or the new storage cubbies organizing all of it. Whatever the reason it is really a joy to watch. We've forgone a few activities because I don't want to interrupt the play. When this happens we just do the activities later or the next day or just move onto the next.
I added a basket of wool roving to the white stuffing on the toy shelves. It is very popular for little beds and nests, food, snow...
And speaking of creativity, I finished my first knitted doll blanket for my daughters. My goal of learning to knit in 2010 just barely was accomplished, as I learned over Christmas with the help of a friend. Thanks to YouTube I am able to cast on and bind off by myself. If you haven't tried knitting I strongly encourage it. It is easier than I expected, very simple really, and there are so many free resources out there to help. My desire to learn was so I could teach my daughter when the time came and I look forward to that, now I just need to continue learning and practicing this new hobby.
I also learned to knit this year and have been enjoying it immensely. My daughter loves to ask what I am making and who it is for, and has started requesting certain items in specific colors even! She would love a dolly blanket, great idea.
What a fabulous collection of toys! I especially like the wooden cars, and your addition of wool roving was pure genius. Your blanket looks lovely, too!
Wonderful! It's always nice when you have a brother or sister to play with.
So nice! I've also been wanting to learn to knit and I have that on my to-do list. Your success is inspiring me to get my needles out and try!
Kudos to you for learning to knit, I myself have three pairs of left hands or something! I can crochet but knitting is just beyond me. I really wanted to comment and say how great of an idea the wool roving was - I know my daughter would love that too! We'll be adding that to our toy baskets for sure.
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