We are getting ready to start our twelve days to Christmas countdown using the birthday ring. Just like last year, each night at dinner we add a candle and light it, followed by reading of a few verses from the bible as we progress through the story of the birth of the baby Jesus.
Another tradition we have is Christmas Eve books. Each Christmas I choose a special book for each child to open and read on Christmas Eve. My oldest daughter recently watched the movie Sound Of Music and so I am excited for her to open her Christmas Eve book My Favorite Things.
The illustrations and simple text are lovely.
My youngest daughter's Christmas Eve book is Snow.
I love the illustrations as well. I can't wait to sit down on Christmas Eve and read these books next to the tree.
Our tree is up and decorated and holds another tradition we have. Each time we go on a family trip we bring home an ornament. The ornaments are special reminders of family time together and memories we made. We remember the people we visited, who may not be with us on Christmas, or people who shared a trip with us. Our tree now holds these ornaments from the time before we had children to a special trip just this year.
We love that book, Snow.
Your traditions sound wonderful.
I have really enjoyed looking at your blog over the last year and would love to implement many of the ideas with my 2 and 4 year old daughters. Do you have any ideas to share of how you get organized? I find a lot of great ideas through books and blogs of things to do with my daughters, but then sadly do not follow through very often. You seem to make your learning times so enjoyable, yet simple. I would love to hear if you have some tips on making it all come together.
Thanks for the comments. Mel- I will post my method for planning and staying a bit organized with it all (I admit I am not where I wish I were with this) I know what you mean though, there are so many great ideas out there.
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