Friday, January 4

House Tour

After cleaning the house today, I thought I should take some photos if it's current state.  I am still waiting to find a few families in our area that need childcare, and am surprised how long it is taking.  It certainly is different from our last area.  In the meantime, if you are interested, here's a bit of our new home.

A very open floor plan.  We divided it up into three areas- dining, media, and reading/play.

One would think, that with a whole basement of toys and space my children would play downstairs but they typically play in this area.  I think they like knowing where I am and what I'm doing.

I had visions of wallpapering one accent wall in each of the girls' rooms. However, it just wasn't in the budget so I opted for stencils.  My youngest chose butterflies.

My oldest chose horses and we covered one wall with them.  They enjoyed painting them onto the walls.  The stencils I found on etsy.


Umm Safufa said...

You have a very nice house, I like it.

Thanks for inviting us inside and giving us a tour :-)

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