Monday, February 14

Just Play Monday:: Photos and Quotes

In an effort to support the importance/necessity of play for young children, I've decided to use some of my favorite quotes on play and some of our playful moments in a post each Monday. Please feel free to list a link to your blog in the comments if you have some Just Play photos or a favorite quote of your own.

“A child loves his play, not because it’s easy, but because it’s hard.”

Benjamin Spock (pediatrician, author)

"It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.”

~ Leo Buscaglia (author, educator)

“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning…They have to play with what they know to be true in order to find out more, and then they can use what they learn in new forms of play.”

~ Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood)


  1. I love all of those quotes. I never hear of them, but I really enjoyed rading them. The photos are cute!

  2. Wonderful idea for a weekly post! Beautiful quotes as well. Thank you so much for sharing. I really love your blog!! I've taken so many ideas from your toddler posts for my little guy.

    This blog is about open-ended art play with lots of photos:

  3. Wonderful post! Love the quotes and all the pictures. Mister Rogers is always a favorite!

  4. Great post! No quote this week, but I posted a pic of my little boy enjoying playing in the sink.

  5. Wonderful quotes and I love your blocks! In the last photo, one of the structures remind me of Frank Llyod Wright's work! He played with blocks a lot too!

  6. I love this idea for a weekly post! Thanks for the inspiration! I look forward to next week!

  7. greetings! i absolutely enjoy your blog, i also have a 5 and a 3yr old and we instill the montessori approaches at home. in one of your pictures here, i see a beautiful dollhouse, i would like to ask you where i can find one like it. i have been searching just about everywhere for the one!

  8. It is actually a stable- "sam's stable" but the company that makes them also makes doll houses very similar. Ours is from Nova Natural Toys and Crafts (online) also The Wooden Wagon carries doll houses too (online).
