Monday, October 18

Kindergarten Readiness

I've been looking ahead to next year as we prepare to have my oldest daughter start kindergarten (public school kindergarten). I came across this Kindergarten Readiness list while searching for our state's kindergarten standards. Below is a list that was used to assess the readiness of Vermont Kindergarten children during the first two weeks of school. I know each state has it's own standards and expectations (and some are very different than the ones listed here), but I feel this list covers a majority of the expectations for Kindergarten readiness in public schools and may be helpful for those wondering about their child's Kindergarten readiness.

Social-Emotional Development

Plays cooperatively with different children
Separates easily from parent/caregiver
Uses problem solving skills in social situations
Appropriately expresses feelings and needs
Adapts to transitions within the school day
Interacts positively with adults in the classroom

Approaches to Learning

Can persist in a self-directed activity for at least 15 minutes
Appears enthusiastic and interested in classroom activities
Uses a variety of learning strategies in the classroom
Is able to pay attention during teacher directed group activities for approximately 15 minutes
Knows when and how to use adults as a resource
Initiates activities in classroom
Shows curiosity (asks questions, probes, tries new things)


Follows simple classroom rules and instructions with reminders
Communicates needs, wants or thoughts in his/her primary language
Engages in conversation (complete sentences, turn-taking, etc)
Understands simple directions, requests and information

Cognitive Development

Shows awareness of how books are organized and used
Can recall and explain a sequence of events (retelling a story, recalling a recent activity)
Recognizes his/her most commonly used name in print
Engages in imaginative play
Shows ability to discriminate and identify speech sounds
Recognizes 10 or more letters of the alphabet
Uses scribbles, symbols or letters to write or represent words or ideas
Shows the ability to count 5 or more objects using one-to-one correspondence
Can identify several basic geometric shapes (e.g. square, circle, triangle, rectangle)

Physical Health and Development

Demonstrates age appropriate self-help skills (dressing, toileting, washing hands)


  1. Thank you for this. It's a great list, I appreciate it's focus on the whole child- not the 3 R's.

  2. Yes, I was pleasantly surprised by this too. Thankfully we live in a great state for education and our local school (the same one I went to) is very good about focusing on what is best for the child.
