Thursday, February 25

Guest Post News and a Link Worth Checking Out

Just wanted to let you know I have a guest post over at The Magic Onions today! The post consists of a little bit more information about watercolor painting along with another poem we used for painting. The post is part of a series introducing Waldorf Education.

I also posted a link to a webcast in which author and speaker Richard Louv talks about his research and book Last Child in the Woods. This short webcast is worth taking the time to listen to (especially if you are not familiar with his book). There are some amazing statistics and theories about the influence of nature on young children. The link is found on the side of my blog under Broadening Ideas of Early Education.


  1. I love that book! I enjoy following your blog.

  2. Great post over at the Magic Onions!

  3. Loved reading your post on the Magic Onions. The painting and the poem are both beautiful

  4. Thank you for a very inspiring post on my blog today... can't wait to get out the watercolors and poetry!
    Blessings and magic,

  5. My husband had the pleasure of listening to the author at a conference in California, and we have a signed copy! I love this book and buy for it my friends with new babies.

  6. I loved that book, and it definitely gave me talking points when people ask why I don't let me son watch TV (which I do, just not much TV) and why I was taking him outside to play before he could even crawl.

    - E
