Tuesday, May 19

Color Bottles- An Introduction to Mixing Colors

I used these to formally introduce the idea of mixing primary colors to make additional colors. It works well because it is self-contained, allows for experimentation without having everything turn brown, and looks so pretty in the window! After we have experimented with these for awhile we will try our hand with paint and then mixing small amounts of colored water using a dropper. While experimenting with the set-up I learned two things: it doesn't require a sunny day, just window light and the more diluted the colored water, the easier it was to see some colors.

Blue food coloring and yellow food coloring in water.

Placing one behind the other makes green.

Red food coloring and yellow food coloring in water.

Placing one behind the other, makes orange. (My red should have been darker though)

Blue food coloring and red food coloring in water.

Placing one behind the other makes purple.


  1. How cool! And easy:)

  2. This is so simple, and yet such a great idea! I will have to use it in the future. My class has been doing a lot of work with color mixing of late, and this would have been a great starting point!

  3. This is great! Thank you!

  4. I love this idea and will definitely be using it later! I really like the concept of a non-messy way to introduce color mixing.

  5. These are so cool! What are the containers?
