Wednesday, April 14

Doll Washing

I used to keep this activity in our Montessori room, but this past year it has been out and available for anytime, kept under our kitchen island. Both my daughters' still love it. It is so sweet to see them care for the doll and imitate even some of the things I say and do! Best of all, after the doll is dried off they enjoy tapping a small amount of powder into their hand and rubbing it on the doll to smell that lovely baby powder scent.


Anonymous said...

My girls love washing their dollies too. My older daughter can wash and re-wash hers for an hour. The baby powder is a nice touch to make it even more of a sensory experience.

Kathy said...

This is a great idea!
Who thought of this???
One great Mom!

Lacey (schoolhousefarm) said...

water is the best toy! & babies in the tub are one of our favorites too.

Rebecca said...

I've been meaning to introduce doll bathing at out house, thanks for the reminder!

Gremlina, I agree, water is THE best toy for kiddos! My 3 year old LOVES to "paint" with water

sarah baldwin said...

can i ask where you got your clothesline that is pictured on your side bar? i love that practical life experience!! please don't tell me you made it... or if you did, tell me how! thanks! i'm a big fan of yours. :) sarah baldwin

Amy said...

Thanks for the comments. Sarah- I wish! No, I didn't make it, I purchased from Palumba. We use it often, for hanging things we wash, drying mittens, or pretend play.

Sarah Christina said...

I have just discovered your blog recently, and in response to your comment about how many people read it, I do! I often don't comment, but I can't get enough from blogs like yours!! It's how I learn so many wonderful wisdoms to help me better my mothering experience!
Thank you for doing this for myself and so many others.
Also, I think my toddler will LOVE this activity! Thank you!

Deb Chitwood said...

Doll washing was always one of my daughter's favorite activities! I just featured your post at Please feel free to pick up a featured-on badge from the tab at the top of my blog.