Friday, July 17

Using a Garlic Press (3-6 yrs)

This is a popular lesson introducing how to use a garlic press. The materials needed are shown on the tray. The sponge had been cut small enough to fit into the press. I really like this garlic press that I found at a thrift store because it is all one piece.

The dry sponges are put into the bowl one at a time. Water, from the little pitcher, is slowly poured onto the sponges. It is fun for the child to watch the sponges grow as they absorb the water.

One sponge is picked up and put into the press.

Making sure to hold the press over the bowl, the garlic press is squeezed. I also turn my wrist to turn the press over so all the water falls out.

After the sponge has been squeezed it is removed from the press and placed into the little bucket. Leftover water is dumped out and everything is dried.


  1. I really like this idea. thank-you for sharing!
    (Now to try and find such a wonderful press)

  2. I documented our adventures doing this same activity here:

    Interesting I got the idea from a quick picture on your blog in the first place.

    It was a super fun activity for my Sweet Pea, although I think she was a little too young for it (25 months).

  3. Oh that's a really good idea! My kids have been wanting to use my garlic press.

  4. Teri SelbherJuly 17, 2009

    Would you PLEASE email me with some information regarding where you find these activities? My daughter turns 2 in 2 weeks and I am totally in LOVE with the things you share on here. Please tell me where to find these activities!!!!



  5. Wow! I love this idea and will have to put it on my list.

  6. Hi, I like your blog. It is my inspiration very often, so I nominated you for YOUR BLOG IS SUPER award! Thanks for sharing your ideas!

  7. I showed this post to my boss and she loved the activity. She'll be adding it to the early childhood classroom. thanks for sharing!

  8. what a fun activity! I'll have to do this soon with my boys! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this! I tried it with my 3's and they LOVED it.
