Wednesday, July 1

Fourth of July Art

Paint-Blowing Art: "Fireworks"

After a nice vacation, we are getting back to our usual schedule and I've had time to get together some activities. This week we made "fireworks" pictures. Using a dropper and red and blue watercolors, we placed paint on the paper. My daughter used a straw to move the paint.

We also added red glitter. I sprinkled some in her hands and she took pinches of it to sprinkle on the paper.

It was a fun activity. Happy 4th of July!


  1. My mom's b-day is on the 4th.. this would make a neat present to her from the kids! Although.. hmm, our art supplies are all packed up in boxes at the moment. :( May have to be a belated gift!

  2. Welcome back!

    In your post, you said you were "getting back to [y]our usual schedule." Sorry if you've posted about this before, but could you please tell us more about how you schedule your days/weeks?


    Beautiful fireworks, BTW :)
