Tuesday, April 14

Using a Spatula (a 3-6 yrs lesson)

Using a Spatula with Beanbags

This activity uses bean bags and a spatula. Because my beanbags are the same on both sides, I did a quick few stitches on one side of each as a control of error so that the child can tell if the bean bag has been flipped over. When I put this together, I couldn't helping thinking it would have been fun to have circular beanbags that look like pancakes.

The beanbags provide a nice weight which really exercise the wrist and hand muscles.


  1. This is a really cute activity, thanks for sharing!

  2. I really enjoy your practical life lessons, you are a great inspiration to keep updating that section of my classroom. Thank you!

  3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea!

  4. This is a great idea! I think I will make some bean bag eggs and pancakes for my son using my felt food patterns. I think he would like the feel of the them being weighted and build his muscles.

  5. Great idea! Will try to incorporate speech and language goals into this activity too.
