Friday, February 20

Polishing Wood

I finally found some natural beeswax wood polish so we now have a polishing wood lesson. Everything on the tray is arranged in the order it is used starting at the left. The child opens the jar, uses a q-tip to take a small amount of polish and put it on the wooden object. A cotton ball is used to rub on the wax over the entire object. Once the object is covered, the child turns the timer over. The timer runs so the polish has a chance to dry. Once time is up, the child uses the cloth to buff the polish until shiny and the Q-tip and cotton ball are disposed of. I plan to have a collection of objects to choose from.


  1. Where did you find the polish? I've always wanted to set out a wood polishing lesson - we have lots of wooden things in our classroom that would benefit this lesson! Thanks!

  2. I got the polish from Nova Natural Toys (also on my sidebar under toys). It is good because it is food safe also.

  3. I love this work and you presented it so beautiful! I also like that the children can feel/see one minute! I just discovered your blog. It is great! Thank you.

  4. I love this work. Something my kids have never done and I bet they would really enjoy this...
