Monday, February 2

Mortar and Pestle- Grinding Pepper

I have been wanting to use a mortar and pestle in our Montessori room for awhile now, but I hadn't gotten around to finding one. This past weekend I saw this ceramic set at Walmart.

For this activity, the child should have successfully had lessons with using a funnel and washing a dish.

Name the pieces of the mortar and pestle. Count out four peppercorns using the paper.

Place them in the mortar.

Use the pestle to break up the peppercorns into a fine powder.

Use the funnel to place them in the container. Wash the funnel, mortar and pestle.


  1. We use a mortar and pestle a lot, too, but we grind whole cloves for ginger cookies :)

  2. Thanks for that tip Koko's mama. We will try that next. I also like how the lesson involves the sense of smell.

  3. I love your blog, every time I stop by there is something new I want to do with my kiddos.
